Monday, February 14, 2011


I never had thought I had a blogspot account and I've been following a lot of blogs too^_^

Welcome me back, Blogspot!

I remember a very unforgettable moment that happened a month ago


January 23, 2011

I woke up very early that morning. Can't stop to think about what to do, what will happen and will it be worth it. All the answers came to me that day and I realized I have done the right thing... not only for myself but for the others as well.

It was a very hazy morning. Cloudy skies meaning rainfall might occur. I was supposedly be on Marikina Riverbanks by 9:30am but for some reasons, I have difficulty about preparing much for myself. I started my own adventure towards the event by 9:30am! The threat of the rainfall made me pray hard while riding a jeep to Rosario, Pasig. I thought my prayers won't be answered until I board another jeep, this time, making me to realise my mistake on choosing the right path towards the venue. The distance is much longer than I thought! I have to do a 'snatcher' run just to reach the venue by 10:30am and by the time I set my foot on the Riverbanks mall... er, my bodily functions reacted in a funny way that I need to go to the CR to get it to work properly(Sent a funny message to Kirael while doing that!).

...the threat of the weather can't even stop us...

Whew! So I arrived at the event by 10:42am. And whoa, look what I found! IT'S THEM!

The photoshoot event was planned well by Rina-chan and Aruiko. And I can't believe that many people were well informed about this and more people came too! Though the other people and guests are not able to come due to some reasons, the day went on. Managed to take a couple of photoshoot before lunch. Met other great people(you guys know who you are~) and cosplayers and learned some on photography which was taught by Kirael and Rina.

The lunch came out to be Kirael's post birthday celebration. Not with the balloons and games, but with a simple cake with effort from Rina and Aruiko and the greetings from others as well. As a gift, Kirael showed some pretty camera shots while planning on the afternoon part of the event.

Happy birthday!

Second part of the event-

The venue's getting a little crowded(Of course not because of us but to enjoy the place as well) so we decided to go to the other side(and I can't believe that the little pedestrian bridge has fallen).

...and the other side...

Though half of us chose to stay, we opted to go using a longer route, creating a little "Cosplay Parade". The people had their heads turned to us wondering who we are and what are we doing, but others even cheered for us. Of course it is tiring to go to the other side of the Riverbanks but it ended up so rewarding getting the place for us to use without many distractions. While Rina was doing the shoot herself exerting effort to learn more, Kirael, Leiko, Abogs and your truly created a little show. After Rina has done with the photoshoot for the other cosplayers, we initiated the same for her and Aruiko(whew, my hands were shaky but have I done it right?) followed by the group's photoshoot which highlights the event.

The event was really a blast. Though it was a joined effort, credits goes to Rina-chan for the organization of that day(*Applause*). Thank you guys for attending the event and see you at the next conventions


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